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Because the educational system is designed to make you fail. Do you get money back from school if you fail a class because you were overwhelmed with homework even during vacation time such as spring break? I think not.

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Q: Why do teachers give us homework on spring break?
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Is it legal to give homework on spring break?

Yes! Why not? I got homework on summer, spring, and winter break! (ID whatever number was me, but I wasn't logged in.) XD

How many schools in the US give out homework over spring break?

No studies have been done on this

What do teachers give you?

homework.I think the anwer to your question is homework.

How many teacher give out homework?

Atleast five teachers give homework per week in the UK :)

Why teachers give you homework?

Teachers give you homework because they want to know how much you learned in class and if you got an F, that means you were not paying attention or you did not understand anything.

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Is there a law concerning teachers giving homework on weekends?

No, at least not in CA, because a lot of teachers give weekend homework. (I wish there was haha.)

Do you get homework in kindergarden?

Some teachers do give simple homework that can be done in only a few minutes.

Can you have homework on NJ ask week?

It's possible to have homework, but most teachers don't give it.

Can teachers give homework during state testing?


Do teachers give too much homework?

in my opinion i think teachers give way to much homework for a student to handle. There also comes a time when i think that teachers do this to students to prepare for the future at hand. Also, i play softball so i think that they should give students less homework in one day and give it another day.

Do teachers give you 10 minutes to do homework?

If they want to. They're not legally required to give you any time in class to do homework; it's called homework for a reason.