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It was founded by Walter de Clare in 1131

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Q: When was tintern abbey built?
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Where could one find 'Tintern Abbey'?

There is one place where one could find Tintern Abbey. One could find Tintern Abbey in Wales in the city of Monmouthshire. Tintern Abbey was built in the year 1131.

Where was Tintern Abbey built?

Tintern Abbey is located in Monmouthshire, Wales. It was built along the banks of the River Wye in a picturesque setting surrounded by wooded hills.

When was Tintern Abbey created?

Tintern Abbey was created in 1131.

Wordsworth visit Tintern Abbey with whom?

with whom wordworth visit tintern abbey

When was Tintern Abbey - poem - created?

Tintern Abbey - poem - was created in 1798.

Who goes with Wordsworth when he revisits Tintern Abbey?

When Wordsworth revisits Tintern Abbey, he is accompanied by his sister Dorothy Wordsworth.

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What was Tintern Abbey?

Tintern is a small village in Wales, not far from the Severn Estuary (easy afternoon trip from Bristol!) and literally right next to the English border. The border is the river Wye, beside which the village was built. The main features in Tintern are a ruined abbey, which is in relatively decent state and rather a tourist attraction, and the walk up on the English side of the river to the Devil's Pulpit, a rock outcrop with great views across to Tintern. According to legend, a local group of witches used to meet there while the Devil watched from his seat, until the abbey church was built with its altar end facing towards the Devil's Pulpit (instead of the more usual East), at which point the witches turned to stone and their fire to the gnarled tree which grows there now. I can't remember details of which order built the abbey or when it was built, but it's run by CADW so there should be details on their website.

A medieval monastry that you can do a report on?

Tintern Abbey is interesting.

How old is tintern abbey ruins?

Tintern Abbey in Wales was founded in 1131, making it over 800 years old. However, the current ruins date back to the 13th century when the abbey was rebuilt after being damaged.

What genre of literature is Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey?

Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" falls under the genre of Romantic poetry. It is considered a prime example of the Romantic movement in literature, characterized by its focus on nature, emotion, and the individual's experience.