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Q: What state only touches one other state?
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Maine touches only one other state, New Hampshire.

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Maine touches only one other state, New Hampshire.

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What state touches Canada the Atlantic Ocean and only one other state?

Maine. It only has a border with New Hampshire.

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Which state in the continental US touches only one state?

Maine borders only one U.S. state. It borders New Hampshire.

What state touches Canada and only one state?

I do not live in the US but I think it is Maine.

Which state boarders Canada and only one US state?

sikkim. it shares its border with only one Indian state------- west Bengal

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Alaska is the only state of the USA that borders the Arctic ocean. Several other countries border it. Technically, they all border the southern edge of the Arctic Ocean, since the North of it would be the North Pole.

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There isn't one. Michigan touches 4, not 5.

Which states touches only one other state?

Maine. The only state Maine borders is New Hampshire.Maine borders New Hampshire, and the Canadian provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick.Maine is the only US state to border only one other state: New Hampshire.Related Information:Maine is bordered by New Hampshire on the west, Canada to the north and east, and the Atlantic Ocean is to the south.