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Interacting with mountain lions is very different from dealing with other potential predators like bears. Mountain lions are strictly meat-eaters and skilled hunters, but they are also shy.

The most important thing you can do is prevention. The key preventative measure is to always hike with someone else (the more the merrier) and be noisy while you hike; mountain lions don't want to see people. Mountain lions are more likely to attack people hiking alone, especially children because they are easier prey. If you are hiking with children, keep them close by and do not let them hike out in front of the group or straggle behind.

If you do encounter a mountain lion, you have to deter it from attacking. Stop where you are, stand your ground, and try look as big and scary as possible. Stand on something like a rock or log so you look taller, wave your arms and with sticks in your hands if available, yell at the lion, and stand your ground. Never try to run away; it will encourage the lion to run after you and you can't possibly outrun it. If you have a deterrent such as pepper spray, that might be useful if the lion approaches. There may be times when a firearm is useful, but such occurrences would be extremely rare and should be a last resort.

If the mountain lion attacks you, FIGHT BACK. Use anything available to you, such as rocks, knives, or your fists. Try to hit it anyplace that would hurt enough to make it decide you aren't worth trying to eat, such as the eyes. If you try to play dead to deal with a mountain lion, you will be dead.

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