If you mean the symbols like +, -, etc., those are called "operators".If you mean the symbols like +, -, etc., those are called "operators".If you mean the symbols like +, -, etc., those are called "operators".If you mean the symbols like +, -, etc., those are called "operators".
It simply can mean anything. If its a personal account it means I received something. If its a Real Account then that means that an asset has increased. etc etc etc....
Sneaky, mean, bad etc..
yes if it is at the end of the list (...)-implys etc
loving a person more.. Aha beat that Kathy..
Networking : getting in contact with school/classmates, etc etc
That phrase could mean MANY things. It could mean the case file number under which the court jacket is filed. It could mean the Police Report Number under wihich it is filed. It could mean that this case is referred to in another case. Etc, etc, etc..
Bad,not respectful,and etc.
E1s mean more E1 channel,for example,2E1,4E1,8E1,16e1 etc
rid can mean get rid of to throw away, leave etc
In what form exactly? It can mean Illinois Athletics, it can mean Italian Football, etc.
There is no such word as Perpiteous. You probably mean perpetuous. It can mean continuous, unbroken, uninterrupted etc.