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C. Preferred airline, class of service, and special meals

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Q: What information should be part of your traveler's business travel profiles?
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What information should be part of travelers business travel profiles?

c:preferred airline , class of service, and special meals.

Identity Safety For Business Travelers.?

Business travelers face a tremendous amount of exposure when it comes to identity theft. Whether booking flights and hotels or making purchases at restaurants or airport lounges, keeping one's identity safe is an important consideration for heavy travelers. There are several ways that travelers can enhance their safety and security. Firstly, travelers should use strong PINs and passwords. This means avoiding common words and numbers like birthdays or spouse's birthdays. Secondly, travelers should check their personal and business credit card statements with great regularity, particularly after a major business trip. Lastly, travelers should be extremely careful when giving out personal information, and should always check credentials for websites or individuals that demand information.

What should be part of your travelers' business travel profiles?

What Frequent flyer programs you are a member of What Hotel Loyalty programs you are a member of Favorite place on an airplane - aisle/ window Credit Card you prefer to use

Tips For Managing Business Credit Cards.?

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Why you should get the iPhone?

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Using Software For More Efficient Business Travel.?

As business has attuned itself to changing technologies, business travelers are finding technological solutions at well. Companies like Concur and New Concepts have presented software that takes the place of the traditional business travel agent. Business travelers can save valuable time by using software for trip booking and itinerary creation. One of the frustrations of business travel is filling out endless expense reports. The latest generation of travel software will automatically send electronic receipts to employers when their employees pay for business related expenses. Business travelers already seem in tune with technology; nevertheless, travelers should take advantage of software that can save time and money for themselves and their company.

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Go to system settings then memory and one should be profiles and you can delete from there

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Use Online Tools To Enhance Business Trips.?

Over the last few years, technology has revolutionized the way that we do business travel. Online and mobile tools, in particular, are giving travelers more control over their travel experience. Booking flights and hotels, making itineraries, and invoicing business expenses has always been time-consuming endeavor. Today, travelers should take advantage of travel software, which can integrate these tasks into a simple, automated process. Business travelers should also take the time to research the pros and cons of travel insurance. If travel insurance is deemed to be necessary, there are a host of sites that can offer competitive and up-to-date insurance quotes.

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