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Q: What has created resentment in some tourist areas?
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Does Euro currency used in england?

Generally no, but some large stores in tourist areas will accept Euros.

What are some tourist activites in Queens NY?

Queens, NY is a great place to visit and has areas such as Flushing and the Downtown Mall areas. There are large Asian communities too with some very specialized food.

How do people talk in Spain?

Mostly in Spanish, but Catalan and Basque are also spoken in large areas of the country. People in tourist areas often speak some English and French.

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There are many tourist spots in the XI-Mindaneo area. Some of the tourist areas that are popular include, the Philippine Eagle Nature Center, Eden Mountain Resort, Daveo Crocodile Park, and Ma Cristina Falls.

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life in Brazil is amazing it has some poor areas and some rich areas. people come to visit Brazil every year. it has a good culture and has many tourist attractions although it has many crimes. Brazil is a great plce to live xxx

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What are some tourist information centers for Ontario?

There is a website titled Ontario Travel that lists many tourist information centres, which are located in many different areas. The website also lists the different services that are available at the centres.

Can you buy things in shops London with euro?

Some of the larger stores in tourist areas will accept Euros - otherwise you will have to use the pound sterling (£) (GBP).

What languages are spoken in Yucatan Mexico?

In Yucatan, Mexico, the main language spoken is Spanish. However, Mayan languages such as Yucatec Maya are also widely spoken in the region, particularly in rural areas and among indigenous communities. Additionally, due to its tourist attractions, some people also speak English in tourist areas.

What are some of the places to visit in Pakistan?

Pakistan is one of the most beautiful countries of the world. It has various tourist resorts but I will recommend you to visit its northern areas. These are like paradise on earth. Swat Valley, Naran and Kaghan are most beautiful areas.

Why the landforms are not flat?

Some landforms are flat and some are raised areas because it is created by nature and it is not manmade .

How do most children feel about their mother's boyfriend?

Most of the time some jealousy is there....some times resentment