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Q: What does 'special interest tourism' market mean?
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If the government accepts money from special interest groups does that mean they have to embrace they're ideas?

I think if special interest groups give money to the government, they would like the government to look at and pay special attention to what they are doing. As far as embracing their ideas, I feel these special interest groups are looking for some perks. Allen Jacksonville, Florida

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not favoring or not controlled by a particular political party or special interest group

Why do special interests matter to an autistic individual?

A special interest for autistic individuals is a sense of purpose and ways they learn to socialize. Sometimes they're interest can change into a new one. Some have more special interest than just one. It doesn't mean they are causing harm on themselves and others. And it doesn't mean they like their interest more than people. For even autistic adults if they like things that are not on their age level that should never be considered as a bad example.

What does soft-tourism mean?

soft tourism means things that you can do easily

What do you mean by ex-interest in issue and redemption of debentures in company account?

Whan compay purchase debenture from the open market

What do you mean by domestic tourism?

Domestic tourism refers to tourism by people in their own country. For example, New Yorkers vacationing in California would be considered domestic tourism.

What the mean the same as entertain?


What does BMI mean on Howrse?

A BMI is a Black Market Item. A BMI is a special item or bonus that can only be bought for passes.

What does mass tourism mean?

What does mass tourism means that people roam the world and other countries.

What do you mean by tourism is a service oriented industry?

Because tourism is all about taking care of people.

What do you mean by toure and tourism?

Tour and tourism refers to an aspect of business that focuses on tours of historical and famous landmarks. Tourism can mean visitors from another place traveling and touring other countries and sites.