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you say parents are going with

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Q: How do you convince your parents to let you go camping with your friends?
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How do you get my parents to let me go camping with friends at 16?

Tell them that there will be adults there... I hope, you will not be lying

How do you convince your parents to let you play cod mw2?

tell them all ur friends play it

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I really don't think you should let them. They are her parents let them do their job. Maybe you should start with a playdate. Let them grow to it. To them that's their little girl.

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You could tell them they are just friends? not a date?

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if your friends are goign tell your parents that your friends are going .. try to find a camp near home or pretty close an one that u learn a little in

How do you convince your parents to get your lip pierced?

Honestly, you can't convince them. Either they will let you or they won't.

How do you convince your parents to let you get sponsored?

if your parents wont let you get sponsored, well, id yell at em.

What could you do while all your friends are out trick-or-treating and your parents won't take you?

Either mope about it and do nothing, convince your parents to let you go, or figure out some kind of way to sneak out.

How do you persuade your parents to let you go camping in November?

you have to butter them up

How do you convince your parents to let you move in with a friend?

say please

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I have the same question!

How do you convince your parents to let you get Grand Theft Auto?

you ask them