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no you can only do it from a few yards away

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Q: Can you have a bark mode with someone in a different state?
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Related questions

How do you get friends on your list for Nintendogs?

Do Bark Mode with someone and they will be added to your list.

How can you tell if theres a dog on bark mode?

you go on bark mode

How do you get a husky in Nintendogs dalmatian?

Connect with someone with a husky and tell him to bring that dog in bark mode

How do you get the Chihuahua breed at the kennel in Nintendogs?

either go to bark mode with someone who has a chihuahua or get 50.000 trainer points.

How do you get a blue bone in Nintendogs?

There are two ways to get the blue bone, to find it on a walk, or have someone to give it to you through bark mode

Can you do 3-way bark mode on Nintendogs?


How do you get friends in Nintendo dogs?

You have 2 find another person with nintendogs, then get them 2 go 2 bark mode and you go 2 bark mode.

How do you use bark mode on Nintendogs Do you need a wire or something?

No. Bark mode is wireless. You press "go out",press "bark mode," choose which dog you will take,=bring one of your supplies (if you want to), & wait until your dog found another dog to play with.=

Can you get a greyhound on Nintendogs?

no. the only way you can have someone elses puppy on your screen is either bark mode or swapping the games around. HOPE THIS HELPS!

If you restart the nintendogs game and you got the chihuahua breed before you restarted it through bark mode can you restart it again and get the Husky breed from the same DS through bark mode?

There is a way so you have got the chihuahua and want a husky from bark mode. if you are doing bark mode with the same person again you have to go to "Go out" and click "Info" then go to friend list and click on the person that your doing it with again and press the trash can in the top right hand corner. then turn the DS off then on and have fun with your husky (that you got from bark mode

How do your Nintendo dogs have puppies?

Unfortunately, you can not breed your dogs no matter what. You can only buy dogs from the kennel. You can get other types of dogs on bark mode. When someone with a different Nintendo dogs meets up with you and your dog. But many appologies there is no other way.

How do you get shiba inu puppy on Dalmatian and friends?

if you got brothers and sisters who have got shiba inus,tell them to go to bark mode with you. (NOTE:MAKE SURE YOU HAVEN'T WENT TO BARK MODE WITH THEM BEFORE BECAUSE YOU CAN'T UNLOCK THE DOG THEN) then go to bark mode,after go back home,it will say that you have unlocked them then,