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Harriet Martineau is considered important in the origin of sociology because she was one of the earliest sociologists who applied systematic observation and analysis to social issues. She made significant contributions to the field through her writings on social theory, political economy, and gender equality, paving the way for future sociologists to study society in a more structured and scientific manner. Additionally, Martineau's emphasis on social justice and advocacy for marginalized groups helped expand the scope of sociological inquiry.

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What is the origin of sociology?

Sociology emerged in the 19th century as a response to the societal changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution. Auguste Comte, considered the father of sociology, coined the term in 1838 and laid the groundwork for the discipline by emphasizing the systematic study of society and social phenomena.

Who are the proponents of origin and developments of sociology in the Philippines?

Some of the proponents of the origin and development of sociology in the Philippines include scholars such as Reuben Ramas Cañete, Zeus Salazar, and Prospero Covar. These scholars have contributed to the growth and establishment of sociology as a field of study in the country, addressing various social issues specific to the Philippines.

Where did the academic discipline of sociology originate from?

Sociology as an academic discipline originated in the 19th century in Europe, particularly in France and Germany. Scholars like Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim are considered to be founders of sociology for their contributions to understanding society and social behavior. The discipline emerged in response to industrialization, urbanization, and social change during that time.

How do you trace the origin and development of sociology as a science?

Sociology emerged in the 19th century as a response to modernization, industrialization, and urbanization. Early sociologists such as Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim laid the foundations of the field by studying social structures, institutions, and behaviors. Over time, sociology evolved to incorporate various theoretical perspectives and research methodologies, leading to the diverse field of study that exists today.

Why is sociology a scientific and humanistic discipline?

Sociology is considered scientific because it uses empirical research methods to study human behavior and society, focusing on systematic observation and evidence-based analysis. It is also humanistic as it explores the complexities of human experiences, values, and interactions, recognizing the subjective nature of individuals and the impact of societal structures on their lives. Overall, sociology blends scientific inquiry with a deep understanding of human culture, making it both a scientific and humanistic discipline.

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What is the origin of sociology?

Sociology emerged in the 19th century as a response to the societal changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution. Auguste Comte, considered the father of sociology, coined the term in 1838 and laid the groundwork for the discipline by emphasizing the systematic study of society and social phenomena.

Who are the proponents of origin and developments of sociology in the Philippines?

Some of the proponents of the origin and development of sociology in the Philippines include scholars such as Reuben Ramas Cañete, Zeus Salazar, and Prospero Covar. These scholars have contributed to the growth and establishment of sociology as a field of study in the country, addressing various social issues specific to the Philippines.

Place of origin of Harriet Martineau?

Harriet Martineau was born in Norwich, England. The family was of French Huguenot ancestry and professed Unitarian views.

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Why is "The Origin of the Robin" considered a creation myth?

Where did the academic discipline of sociology originate from?

Sociology as an academic discipline originated in the 19th century in Europe, particularly in France and Germany. Scholars like Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim are considered to be founders of sociology for their contributions to understanding society and social behavior. The discipline emerged in response to industrialization, urbanization, and social change during that time.

Is Sociology how people behave in social settings?

No. Sociology is the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc.

How do you trace the origin and development of sociology as a science?

Sociology emerged in the 19th century as a response to modernization, industrialization, and urbanization. Early sociologists such as Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim laid the foundations of the field by studying social structures, institutions, and behaviors. Over time, sociology evolved to incorporate various theoretical perspectives and research methodologies, leading to the diverse field of study that exists today.

Why is sociology a scientific and humanistic discipline?

Sociology is considered scientific because it uses empirical research methods to study human behavior and society, focusing on systematic observation and evidence-based analysis. It is also humanistic as it explores the complexities of human experiences, values, and interactions, recognizing the subjective nature of individuals and the impact of societal structures on their lives. Overall, sociology blends scientific inquiry with a deep understanding of human culture, making it both a scientific and humanistic discipline.

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Why is the origin 0 0 so important in direct variation?

The origin 0 0 so important in direct variation since it is the reference point.

What is the relevance of sociology?

Sociology is relevant because it helps us understand how societies operate, how individuals interact within them, and how social structures and institutions influence people's behavior. It provides insights into social issues, inequalities, and trends, helping us address challenges and create a more cohesive and equitable society.