Because if you were in need then you would want help to and because it is a nice thing to do.
Helping the needy is important to create a more compassionate and equitable society. By supporting those who are less fortunate, we can contribute to reducing social disparities, fostering community solidarity, and improving the well-being of individuals who are struggling. It is a way to promote empathy and make a positive impact on the world around us.
Privileged and needy are not exact opposite terms, as they refer to different aspects of socio-economic status. Privileged typically refers to having advantages or benefits due to social position or wealth, while needy refers to lacking basic necessities or support. The opposite of privileged could be considered disadvantaged or underprivileged.
About 2.8% of Connecticut's population received welfare benefits, such as TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), as of 2020.
No.A sociologist would argue how far the government go to help people, or how effective their schemes are. The wouldn't say that they don't help families in need. Sociologists like to 'sit on the fence' and argue both sides. :)
I'm here to help! What specific questions do you have regarding social civics exam 4?
i really need to now this anserw ont he quiz im in fith grade plaese help me!!!! i really need to now this anserw ont he quiz im in fith grade plaese help me!!!! i really to need this anser on a quiz im in fith grade plaese help!!!
needy- a person who need help needful: required help
yes its good to help the needy becuz later in life you might need help too
In order to help needy countries.
how did the settlement movement seek to help the needy
Because the Jewish/Christan Bible says to. Because you might be needy too someday. Because if needy people are not helped, they might take violent action to get what they need. Because when needy people are ignored, they tend to have revolutions to get what they need, as in the case of France and Russia and other nations. Because it's good and right to help others to help themselves. It makes most human beings feel good inside to help others.
the best sucess is to achieve everything by our ownself and then help needy in the time of need
we need a government to help people set up policies that can help needy people and to help development of the nation.
Well yah. What do u need help in?
The noun form of the adjective 'needy' is neediness.The word 'needy' is the adjective form of the noun need.
Philanthropy .
To help the needy.