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Prominent sociologists like Karl Marx, Max Weber, and W.E.B. Du Bois are considered proponents of conflict theory. They argue that society is characterized by inequality and struggle over limited resources, with the dominant group using power to maintain control over the marginalized groups.

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Q: Who would be considered a proponent to conflict theory?
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Who is the sociolgist and proponent of social darisam?

Herbert Spencer, an English sociologist, is often considered a proponent of social Darwinism. He applied Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies, arguing that societies evolve over time through competition and the survival of the fittest. Spencer believed that government intervention in social issues would interfere with this natural process.

What sociological perspective would view sports as a form of business in which profits are more important then the health and safety of athlete?

A conflict theory perspective would view sports as a business where profits take precedence over the well-being of athletes. This perspective would focus on the unequal power dynamics between athletes who may face risks for the sake of profit, and the owners and organizations who prioritize financial gain.

What is a macro theory?

A macro theory is a broad theory that aims to explain large-scale social, political, or economic phenomena at a societal level. It focuses on understanding how institutions, structures, and systems shape society as a whole, rather than individual behaviors or interactions. Examples of macro theories include functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.

What sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits?

The conflict theory perspective would be most likely to suggest that multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits. Conflict theorists believe that society is characterized by struggle for power and resources, and that powerful entities, such as corporations, take advantage of weaker groups, like workers, to further their own interests.

What are the three theoretical perspectives in sociology?

The three main theoretical perspectives in sociology are structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Structural functionalism focuses on how society maintains stability and order. Conflict theory examines how power dynamics and inequalities shape society. Symbolic interactionism explores how individuals create and interpret symbols to interact with each other.

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Who is the sociolgist and proponent of social darisam?

Herbert Spencer, an English sociologist, is often considered a proponent of social Darwinism. He applied Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies, arguing that societies evolve over time through competition and the survival of the fittest. Spencer believed that government intervention in social issues would interfere with this natural process.

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Divine Right Theory provides a moral defense of Absolutism. If the ruler is ordained by the divinities to be the ruler, it is proper for him to expropriate all power from the people and attach it to himself.

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Swallowing stones would be considered an internal conflict, as it involves a personal struggle within oneself.

How does Galileo's theory not conflict with his faith?

I would guess that he observed the sky and drew his conclusions; and that religious ideas of the time were secondary for him.

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the domino theory applies to our attempts to stop communism from spreading because the president at that time believed that the economically weak countries would fall to communism. this leads to CONFLICT but not MILITARY CONFLICT against the soviets because they did not want to raise concerns with the countries that they are supporting

What is an example of conflict theory?

one example of conflict in relationships would be two parents fighting. when NOT in relationship form, and more on the side of science, two cars slamming into each other.

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In theory, anytime after menstruation has begun.

A proponent of states' rights would argue that?

the national government's powers should be interpreted narrowly.

Did Karl Marx mention conflict between have and havenots?

Yes, Karl Marx discussed the conflict between the "haves" (bourgeoisie or capitalists) and the "have-nots" (proletariat or workers) in his theory of class struggle. He argued that this conflict would ultimately lead to the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a classless society.

Why is Karl Marx described as a conflict theorist?

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Could your fiance be considered a legal guardian in Missouri?

No, that would present a "conflict of interest" and would not be allowed under Missouri laws or any other state.