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Karl Marx, a German philosopher and economist, believed that the urban poor would eventually rise up against the factory owners in a revolution. Marx argued that the conflict between the working class (proletariat) and the capitalist class (bourgeoisie) would lead to the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a socialist society.

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Q: Who believed that the urban poor would eventually rise up against the factory owners?
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Why would plantation owners prefer slaves instead of the indentured servants?

Plantation owners preferred slaves over indentured servants because slaves were considered lifelong property with no legal rights or protections, ensuring a cheap and permanent labor force. Slaves also provided a better return on investment over time compared to indentured servants, who were temporary and could eventually gain freedom and become competition in the labor market.

Describe how you might pick a sample of 50 minivans owners that represents the minivan owners of your state?

One approach could be to obtain a list of registered minivan owners in the state and randomly select 50 owners from that list. Another method could be to use stratified sampling by dividing minivan owners into groups based on demographics (e.g. age, income) and selecting a proportional number from each group to ensure representation. Alternatively, you could survey minivan owners at a popular location in the state to gather a diverse sample.

What did slave owners call house servants?

Slave owners referred to house servants as domestics or house slaves.

What would slaves call there owners?

Slaves might refer to their owners as "master" or "mistress" as a form of respect and acknowledgment of their authority.

Were slaves forced to work?

Yes, slaves were forced to work against their will. They were considered property and had no rights or freedom to refuse the work assigned to them by their owners. Failure to comply often resulted in punishment or even death.

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Type your answer here... free factory workers were treated worse than slaves.

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