Croydon is a diverse place with a mix of people from various ethnic backgrounds residing there. The population consists of people from White British, Black, Asian, and other ethnicities.
There isn't a specific race that has the most left-handed people overall, as left-handedness can be found in all races and ethnicities. It is estimated that around 10% of the world's population is left-handed, regardless of race.
There are 9 people in the race. Think about it this way - for him to be 5th highest, there must be 4 people above him (1st place, 2nd, 3rd and 4th). For him to be 5th lowest, there are also 4 people below him. So 4 above plus 4 below plus him = 9 participants
The term is "segregation," which refers to the act of setting apart certain groups of people based on race, typically resulting in inequality and discrimination.
Segregation is the term defined as the practice of separating people according to race in schools, housing, and public facilities.
Approximately 550,000 people live in The Hague.
J'habite à Croydon if you want to say, "i live in crodon" But, if you are telling someone where they live, Tu habites à Croydon (if they are a friend (informal) or Vous habitez à Croydon (if formal)
The London Borough of Croydon is the most populous of the London boroughs with a population of around 365,000 inhabitants.
the population of London is 60,000people who live in croydon
north croydon
a house in Croydon :D!!
he lives in croydon, south london
The most prominent race of people in England are the English.
no, he lives in south west london.
the druids