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When people don't live up to their personal responsibilities, consequences such as strained relationships, loss of trust, and negative impacts on self-esteem are likely to occur. However, an exception could be experiencing improved communication skills as a result of addressing and resolving the issue.

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Q: When people don't live up to their personal responsibilities each of these consequences is likely to occur EXCEPT?
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What slaves increased their personal support by?

Slaves who gained skills, education, or relationships that made them more valuable to their owners were able to increase their personal support. Additionally, slaves who had special talents or abilities that could be monetized, such as being a skilled artisan or musician, were likely to have increased personal support from their owners.

Which term would Robert Merton use to describe the result of these social functions?

Robert Merton would likely use the term "latent function" to describe the result of these hidden or unintended social functions that may have positive consequences for society.

An emphasis on individualism would be most likely to be found in which country?

An emphasis on individualism would be most likely to be found in the United States. This is because American society values personal achievement, independence, and self-reliance, often encouraging individuals to pursue their own goals and aspirations.

What is personal relevance?

Personal relevance refers to how meaningful and significant something is to an individual based on their interests, beliefs, values, or goals. It is the subjective perception that something is important or applicable to oneself, which can influence attention, motivation, and behavior. Items that are personally relevant are more likely to be remembered and have a greater impact on decision-making.

What is the relstionshit between anonymity and deindivition?

Anonymity and deindividuation are related in that anonymity can lead to deindividuation, which is when individuals feel a decreased sense of personal responsibility and accountability for their actions. When individuals feel anonymous, such as in online settings or large crowds, they may be more likely to engage in behaviors they wouldn't normally do due to reduced feelings of personal identity.

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It should be obvious that the reason we would consider a choice to be good is that it is likely to have good consequences, and similarly, we would consider a choice to be bad because it has bad consequences. There are also choices that are relatively inconsequential, which are a matter of taste, rather than being either good or bad.

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Your probation will most likely be revoked.

How do you enforce responsibilities?

If you are referring to children or teenagers, you can enforce responsibilities with positive or negative rewards/consequences. For instance, if a child is working toward some special outing (i.e. going to the movies) you can set up a responsibility chart and have the child check off when he/she has completed his/her (daily, weekly, monthly) responsibilities. When he/she gets a certain amount of checks, he/she will get the positive reward. However, if he/she fails to complete the responsibilities, the child may lose a privilege of some sort. For adults such as spouses or co-workers, the best approach would be to ask the person to fulfill his/her responsibilities. However, you should be detailed in what you are asking for specifically and approach the subject with caution. Honesty is the best policy. If someone at home or work is failing to complete his/her responsibilities, this is likely putting more work on you. Be honest with the person. Tell him/her that you have a lot of your own responsibilities to take care of and you do not mind helping him/her out once in a while, but for the sake of a happy home or a smooth running office, it would be great if each person would be diligent in getting his/her own responsibilities completed.