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the amount of things they had was a big difference

also there house was a big different rich had better then the poor

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In 1912, the differences between the poor and the rich were stark. The rich had access to better education, healthcare, and living conditions, while the poor often struggled with low wages, limited access to resources, and poor living conditions. Social divides were prominent, with the wealthy enjoying more opportunities and privileges than the poor.

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Q: What was the differences between poor and rich in 1912?
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Why is there a division between rich and poor?

The division between the rich and the poor exists due to a combination of factors such as unequal distribution of resources, economic opportunities, systemic inequalities, and social structures that perpetuate wealth accumulation. This can lead to disparities in income, access to education, healthcare, and other essential services, widening the gap between the two groups.

How does power shape the relationship between rich and poor countries?

Power dynamics between rich and poor countries are influenced by factors like economic strength, political influence, and military capabilities. Rich countries often have greater power due to their wealth and resources, which can lead to unequal relationships where poorer countries may be dependent on them for aid, trade, or political support. This imbalance of power can result in exploitation, unfair negotiations, and challenges in bridging the gap between rich and poor nations.

How do the rich treat the poor in 1920?

In 1920, the treatment of the poor by the rich varied greatly depending on individual beliefs and societal norms. Some rich individuals and organizations may have shown kindness and offered support to the poor through philanthropy and charity work, while others may have perpetuated social inequalities by exploiting or neglecting the poor. The overall relationship between the rich and the poor in 1920 would have been influenced by historical, cultural, and economic factors of that time.

Since 1960 the gap between the rich and the poor has increased or decreased?

Since 1960, the wealth gap between the rich and the poor has generally increased in many countries around the world. Factors such as globalization, technology advancements, and changes in economic policies have contributed to this widening gap.

Why were there so many conflicts between rich and poor?

Conflicts between the rich and the poor often stem from disparities in wealth, power, and access to resources. The wealthy may be perceived as benefiting more from societal systems, leading to resentment and feelings of injustice among the poor. Economic inequalities and social injustices can exacerbate tensions and fuel conflicts between different socio-economic groups.

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