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To take no interest in activities outside their homes... BOLD/Italic

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 2mo ago

In the concept of separate spheres, women were expected to focus on domestic duties such as taking care of the household and children. They were expected to prioritize the well-being of their family and maintain a nurturing and supportive role, while men were expected to be the breadwinners and have more influence in the public sphere.

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Q: What was expected of women in the concept of separate spheres?
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What was one consequence of the concept of separate spheres?

One consequence of the concept of separate spheres was the perpetuation of gender roles and stereotypes, as it reinforced the idea that men belonged in the public sphere (work, politics) while women belonged in the private sphere (home, childcare). This limited opportunities for women to participate fully in society outside the domestic realm.

Under sharecropping aggreements what was expected from women?

In sharecropping agreements, women were often expected to contribute to the labor on the farm alongside men. They were responsible for tasks such as planting, weeding, and harvesting crops, as well as domestic duties in the household. Additionally, women typically had little control over the crops they grew or the profits generated from their labor.

What kind of values do the people seem to hold about the social roles of men and women The lottery?

In "The Lottery," the people seem to hold traditional values about the social roles of men and women. Men are expected to hold positions of authority and take charge, while women are expected to fulfill more domestic roles and conform to societal expectations. The story reflects a patriarchal society where gender roles are strictly defined.

How did women change their response to discrimination over time?

Women have become more vocal and organized in their responses to discrimination over time. They have formed advocacy groups, organized protests, and utilized social media to raise awareness and demand equal rights. Women have also fought for legal protections and policies that promote gender equality in various spheres of society.

What is the Expected number of retirement years for women and men?

The expected number of retirement years for women and men varies depending on factors such as life expectancy, retirement age, and health. On average, women tend to live longer than men, so they may have a longer retirement period. However, individual circumstances and lifestyle choices can also impact the length of retirement for both genders.

Related questions

How did the the concept of separate spheres affect women?

they were expected to focus only on their homes and families

What was expected of women according to concept of Separate spheres?

to take no interest in activities outside their homes

What was the expected of women according the concept of separate spheres?

To take no interest in activities outside their homes

What was the result of the concept of separate spheres?

women were kept out of public activities

What was on result of the concept of separate spheres?

women were kept out of public activities

How did concept of separate spheres affect women?

they were expected to focus only on their homes and families

What was expected of women in the concept of seperate spheres?

In the concept of separate spheres, women were expected to primarily focus on domestic duties such as raising children, managing the household, and providing emotional support to their husbands. Women were seen as the moral center of the family and were expected to embody virtues like piety, purity, and submission to authority. Their roles were generally confined to the private sphere of the home, while men were expected to take on public roles in society.

How did the concept of seperate spheres affect women?

They were expected to focus only on their homes and families

What was one result of the concept of the separate spheres?

women were kept out of public activities

What was one result of the concept ofย separate spheres?

women were kept out of public activities

What was expected of women according to the concept of separates spheres?

to take no interest in activities outside their homes

What was expected of women in the concept of separated spheres?

To take no interest in activities outside their homes... BOLD/Italic