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A term that best describes a society where the landed aristocracy holds most wealth and power is a feudal society. In a feudal society, power and resources are concentrated in the hands of a small noble class that controls land and resources, often at the expense of the rest of the population.

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Q: What term best describes a society in which the landed aristocracy has most wealth and power?
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What is Andrew Carnegie's perspective on wealth and inequality in industrial society?

Andrew Carnegie believed in the concept of "the Gospel of Wealth," which argued that wealthy individuals had a responsibility to use their wealth to benefit society. He believed that inequality was natural in society but could be justified if the wealthy used their resources for the greater good. He emphasized the importance of philanthropy and believed that the wealthy should donate their wealth for the betterment of society.

What is a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth prestige or power?

Social inequality is a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power. This can lead to disparities in opportunities and resources among individuals or groups within the society.

Who wrote gospel of wealth?

The "Gospel of Wealth" was written by Andrew Carnegie in 1889. In this essay, Carnegie discussed his views on wealth accumulation and philanthropy, arguing that the wealthy have a responsibility to use their wealth to benefit society.

What were the social classes like in Britain during 1550-1650?

During this period, British society was divided into three main classes: the nobility, the gentry, and the commoners. The nobility consisted of the monarch, peers, and landed gentry who held significant wealth and political power. The gentry were landowners with less status than the nobility but more wealth and power than commoners, who made up the majority of the population and were mostly peasants or laborers.

Which shape best describes the social stratification in society?

A pyramid shape is often used to depict social stratification in society, with a small elite at the top holding the most power, wealth, and influence, and the majority of the population at the bottom with limited resources and opportunities. This structure shows the unequal distribution of resources and social power among different groups in society.

Related questions

Which term best describes a society in which the landed aristocracy has the most of the wealth and political power?

A society in which the landed aristocracy has most of the wealth and political power is described as feudal.

What is the best term describing a society in which the landed aristocracy has most of the wealth and political power?

A society in which the landed aristocracy has most of the wealth and political power is described as feudal.

Is aristocracy capitalized?

Yes, "Aristocracy" is capitalized when referring to the ruling class in a society characterized by privilege and wealth.

What are the importance of landed properties?

The importance of landed properties ensure the families stay on the society's upper echelons. It also ensures the future wealth of the next generations.

Who controls the wealth and the resources of the Roman Empire?

No one controlled all the wealth and resources. Wealth was concentrated in the hands of rich landowners and of entrepreneurs. Many of the former were patricians, who were the landed aristocracy. The latter were the equites (equestrians) who were bankers, moneylenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining. The engine of wealth were the thriving trading networks in the empire and beyond. Trade was carried out by private firms and individuals. The state run some landed estates and some of the mines.

What is aristoracy?

Aristocracy is a form of government or social class in which a small group of privileged individuals hold power or authority, typically based on hereditary or elite status. Members of the aristocracy often have special privileges, wealth, and influence in society.

What is Aristocarcy?

Aristocracy is a form of government in which power is held by a small, privileged elite based on hereditary status or wealth. This ruling class often has noble titles and positions of authority in society. Aristocracy has been prevalent throughout history in various cultures, but its influence has waned in modern democracies.

What form of government was rule based at least partially on wealth?

Aristocracy and oligarchy.

Best description of an aristocracy?

An aristocracy is a social class composed of individuals who hold hereditary titles or ranks, typically possessing wealth and status passed down through generations. Members of an aristocracy often wield significant political, social, and economic influence in society due to their privileged position.

What are all the types of Gentry classes?

The main types of Gentry classes are the Aristocracy (highest social class, typically inherited titles and wealth), the Gentry (land-owning class below the aristocracy), and the Yeomanry (property-owning class below the gentry). These classes traditionally held significant power and influence in society.

What are some Major Characteristics of Aristocracy?

As rule of "the best", aristocratic government and society is characterized mainly by a small group of leaders distinguished by wealth, influence, class, tradition, or some other status. Also characteristic of aristocracy is that leadership roles are not determined by general-population voting but by decision or process within the governing group alone.

What does aristocracy mean and what type dictatorship is it?

Aristocracy is a small group of people who are perceived as superior to the common citizenry by virtue of wealth or nobility or rule of the best. The word "aristocracy" is derived from the Greek root aristos, meaning best, noblest, or most virtuous.