The US population was half of today's population around 1969. This estimate is based on the population growth rate from historical data.
Approximately 3% of the total US population lives in Michigan.
Approximately 2% of the total US population lives in Oregon.
Approximately 0.86% of the total US population lives in Kansas.
Approximately 0.6% of the total US population lives in Nebraska. Nebraska has a population of around 1.9 million out of a total US population of over 330 million.
The US population was half of today's population around 1969. This estimate is based on the population growth rate from historical data.
Australia's population in 1994 was around 17,850,000.
New York's population in 1994 was 18.46 million.
The 1994 US Open Tennis Championships - 1994 was released on: USA: 29 August 1994
64.2 millon
There were over 100 million cars in the US in 1994. There were about 485,954,000 cars worldwide in 1994.
No. Japan population = 126,434,964 US population = 320,206,000
No. Japan population = 126,434,964 US population = 320,206,000
No. Japan population = 126,434,964 US population = 320,206,000
US Microbics's population is 20.
Approximately 3% of the total US population lives in Michigan.