It is difficult to provide an accurate percentage as desires and orientations can vary greatly among individuals. However, surveys and research suggest that a significant portion of women experience same-sex attraction or desires at some point in their lives. It is important to remember that sexuality is fluid and can differ for each person.
Around 85% of Valentine's Day cards are purchased by women.
In general, women from higher social classes had more access to education, leisure activities, and financial independence compared to women from lower social classes. They often had more opportunities to participate in intellectual or artistic pursuits. However, they were also expected to adhere to stricter societal norms and face more scrutiny in terms of their behavior and reputation.
Women are not inherently evil. It is harmful and incorrect to make such generalizations based on gender. It is important to treat individuals as such, rather than attributing negative characteristics to an entire group of people.
You need to decide what is the most interesting point of this assignment for you, because writing is easiest if you write about something you find interesting!Nobody else can give you a "good topic" because our ideas will not be interesting to you. Pick the thing that you think is most interesting or most important, and make that the topic.If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!Additional:The topic of your paragraph is, obviously, 'women.' Therefore, ask yourself what point or points you want to make about women in this paragraph. Think of a few words you want to include in your paragraph explaining what you have to say. Then decide how you want to put those words together to form an intelligent, meaningful, topic sentence.
It's difficult to give an exact number as sexual orientation is personal and not always openly reported. However, estimates suggest that around 8-10% of the global population may identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or another non-heterosexual orientation.
i'm taking the liberty of assuming that you mean what do women want, romantically.. lesbian and bi-sexual women want the same things heterosexual women want. honesty, frienship, love, etc. there's no clear-cut, perfect response to this.
sixty percent of women want their men to do all of the women chores for the.....
they do that because they want to make the other women jealous
Yes, especially if he doesn't want to share you with another woman. If he entertains the idea, there is a chance that he will invite women to your bed that you don't want to be with. Plus, it can happen even when you don't want to share your husband with another woman. It is better that you get rid of those thoughts because the consequences are horrible.
No. Why do women assume this? That is a much more important question.
I would say you have bi curious women, then you have woman that are openly gay or bi, then you have married women, then you have woman that are straight get drunk and kiss...Honesly..i would say the percent is def. about 80% of all woman are lesbian!Simple, women understand each other,Its more safe for 2 women to have sex with each other.Women that are married - some fool around with other girls (husbands are normally okay with it, as long as its just a girl thing)Women also want soft skin, they want someone to cuddle with and some that smells like flowersWhat about women that have parties and there are alot of girls and they get drunk?Women can be more open with each other.A woman understands a woman and what she wantsWomen want to feel another womans warm breast too (sometimes)Almost every woman has thought about an experience with a woman at some point in her life, normally alot of women over 40 that never experienced lesbian sex - do try it!
9 times out of 10 the man is usually interested in another woman that is more interesting.
Women want to be the ONLY one a man loves - not just one of many that he "loves".
You can donate money to women who want free breast implants at any time. Sometimes companies hold contests that you can join and vote for a woman and if she wins the donation will be placed in her name. Another way is to directly contact the woman and donate to her fund.
Answer Not all guys want a woman who has children from another man, but some do and you will have to find them and ask them as I suppose they have their reasons, but they don't publish their reasons on the net.
that they want to control their husband
i think that woman want to be loved and cared for and to be shown that they are thought of