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Historically, jobs such as nobility, royalty, and high-ranking government officials held the highest social class. These positions often came with power, privilege, and prestige that set them apart from the general population.

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Q: What job had the highest social class?
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Why is social class a barrier?

Social class can be a barrier because it can influence access to resources such as education, healthcare, and job opportunities. Economic disparities may lead to unequal treatment or discrimination based on one's social class. Additionally, social class can impact an individual's social network and opportunities for upward mobility.

Why do you think social class affects social mobility?

the link between social class and social mobility is social class ia an open system which means people are able to move up and down the social hierarchy resulting in acheiving social mobility but people may also move down the social hierarchy resulting in a lower social class this may occur if a person loses their income , wealth or status .

What were the social classes of the 1960's?

In the 1960s, social classes in many Western societies were typically divided into upper class, middle class, and working class. The upper class consisted of wealthy elite individuals, the middle class included professionals and white-collar workers, and the working class encompassed blue-collar workers and laborers. The civil rights movement and feminist movements also brought attention to issues of race, gender, and class intersecting with social status during this decade.

How was job specialization linked to emergence of social class?

Job specialization led to the emergence of social class by creating distinctions between individuals based on their roles and skills in society. Those with specialized skills and higher-level jobs gained more power, wealth, and influence, leading to the formation of social classes based on occupation and status. This division further reinforced inequality and hierarchy within societies.

What is the relationship between social class and single parenthood?

Single parenthood is more common among lower social classes due to factors such as limited access to education, job opportunities, and social support networks. Higher social classes tend to have more resources and support systems that can help mitigate the challenges of single parenthood.