The estimated population of Dallas, TX in 2009 was around 1.3 million people.
The population of Dallas, Texas in 1979 was approximately 904,000.
Muslims make up about 1% of the population in the United States.
The estimated population of Muslims in North America is around 6 million. This number includes Muslims residing in the United States and Canada.
The majority of the population in Egypt is Muslim, with approximately 90% of the population adhering to Islam. Christians make up a minority group in Egypt, constituting around 10% of the population.
Dallas, Texas has a population of 1,299,543.
The population of Uptown Dallas is 6,091.
West Dallas's population is 24,132.
The population of Zynga Dallas is 50.
The population for Dallas in 1850 was 1.223.789
In 2011, the population of Dallas was 2.46 million.
The estimated population of Dallas, TX in 2009 was around 1.3 million people.
Pakistan (174 millions Muslims population) is the second to Indonesia (203 millions Muslims population) in having the highest Muslims population.
The population of Dallas, Texas in 1979 was approximately 904,000.
In both North and South Korea, the population of Muslims is about 200,000, and steadily growing.
Muslims make up about 1% of the population in the United States.
The biggest country in the universe which has a population of muslims is Saudia Arabia and Pakistan.