The population of Oklahoma in 2008 was approximately 3.65 million people.
The population of Russia in 2008 was approximately 142.5 million people.
The estimated population of Jakarta in 2008 was around 9.6 million people.
In 2008, Africa's population made up around 14% of the global population.
In 2008, New Zealand's population was approximately 4.27 million.
The population of Honolulu in 1900 was approximately 39,306 people.
Honolulu, Hawaii has a population of 374,676
2001 census : City : 284 , 513 Metro : 789, 000 2008 census : City: 320 ,000 Metro : 903 , 000
Honolulu has 905,034 people.
Honolulu is about the size of Minneapolis, making the population about 380,000 people.
About 402,500.
Honolulu is the capital city of Hawaii. Honolulu had population of 337,256 as of the 2010 census.