The population density of New York City is 27,532 people per square mile, or 10,630 people per square kilometer.
The population density of the borough of Manhattan, however, is 70,951 people per square mile, or 27,394 people per square kilometer. Manhattan (which is known as New York County in state government) is the most densely populated county in the United States, and one of the most densely populated places in the world.
The population density of New York is approximately 412 people per square kilometer.
New York City is the largest city in the US in terms of population and land area.
The city with the largest Chinese population in North America is New York City.
New York City has the highest population in the state of New York.
Hamilton County in New York State has the lowest population density, with vast areas of wilderness and very few inhabitants.
The population density of New York is approximately 412 people per square kilometer.
The population of New York City is increasing.
The population density of New York City is one of the highest in the United States, with over 27,000 people per square mile living in the city.
New York City is one The second-largest city in New York by population is Buffalo, but its population is only about 3% of New York City's population.
new york city
The population in New York City is approximately 8,500,000.
New York City.
Moscow has a population of 10,524,400. New York City has a population of 8,363,710. The State of New Mexico has a population of 1,819,045.
the population density of new mexico is much less than new york.
New York City.
New York City
New York City, New York (Region North East)