Namibia has the lowest population density in Africa, with a population density of around 3 people per square kilometer.
The two main types of population density are arithmetic population density, which measures the number of people per unit of area, and physiological population density, which considers population density in relation to the amount of arable land available for agriculture in an area.
Population density refers to the number of people living in a given area, such as "The population density of the city center is much higher than that of the rural countryside."
Peru's population density: (last updated June 30th, 2010) population; 29,461,933 area(km2); 1,285,216 area(mi2); 496,225 density(km2); 23 density(mi2); 60
Inverse population density is when the population density decreases, the population growth rate also decreases. This is opposite to density dependent because here the population growth rate decreaes as population density increases.
According to the Population Reference Bureau, in 2011 (the most recent figures), Libya's population density was 4 people per square kilometre.
Namibia has the lowest population density in Africa, with a population density of around 3 people per square kilometer.
Agricultural Bank of Libya's population is 1,995.
Agricultural Bank of Libya's population is 550.
The capital of Libya is the city of Tripoli which has a population of 1.7 million people. Tripoli is the largest city in Libya which gained their independence in the year 1951.
The West is the US region with the lowest population density with about 15/km2.
In the year of 2001 the Population was 5,241,000..........
The population of Libya is 6.244 million people. The official language of Libya is Arabic, and its capital city is Tripoli.
There are about 100,000 Christians in Libya, which is around 1.6% of the country's population.
Population density.
The July 2008 estimate shows Libya's population is 6,173,579. The 2006 census showed the population of Libya was 5,670,688. But the 2010 estimate was at 5,766,000 people.