i thinks it Muhammed. there are approximately 15 million people in the world named that. this is as current as the year 2000. from an encyclopedia. one source also said it was jack.
Also, according to Wolfram Alpha.com, Michael is the most common name in the United States.
Mohammed is the most common first name in the world. And Chang is the most common last name in the world. So i guess 'Mohammed Chang' would be the most common name in the world ;-) Just kidding...
The most common boy name is James. [1] The most common girl name is Mary. [2]
The most common name for a Mexican boy is likely "José" or "Juan." These names are widely used and have traditional roots in Mexican culture.
The most common name in America is currently Liam for boys and Olivia for girls.
T he most common in the World is : Boy:Micheal Girl:Mariya Most common is the U.S: Boy: John Girl:Emily
The most common name for a boy in the United States is Russel. 93 million people have it!!
bob or fred is the most common boy hamster name
Mohammed is the most common first name in the world. And Chang is the most common last name in the world. So i guess 'Mohammed Chang' would be the most common name in the world ;-) Just kidding...
The most common boy's name in the UK is Oliver. The name Jack had been the most popular for 14 years but now it has been moved to second place.
Harry Thomas
According to the 1990 Census of the US:* The most common last name is Smith * The most common boy's name is James * The most common girl's name is MaryFirst name: James Last name: Smith
The most common boy name is James. [1] The most common girl name is Mary. [2]
In the US: The most common female name is Mary and male name is Michael. The most frequently given female name is Isabella and male name is Jacob.
jack and Sophie
The most common Islamic name is Muhammad or Ahmed or Mahmoud. This name is referring to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)