Deer are the most common animal in North America.
Rabbits are also very common in North America.
The turtle is the most common reptile.
The most common animal in the United States is the Tree Squirrel.
Dogs are the most popular pets in North America, followed by the domestic cat.
American Black Bear
Ketchup is the most popular condiment in North America.
The most common name in America is currently Liam for boys and Olivia for girls.
The most populous city in North America is Mexico City, in Mexico. It has a population of over 21 million people.
Common causes of premature death in North America include heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, accidents, and substance abuse. Lifestyle factors like smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and drug misuse contribute to these health issues. Access to quality healthcare and preventive services can help reduce the risk of premature death in the region.
Thee DOG is the most popular pet in the world.
The most common languages in North America are English, Spanish, and French.
Microtus pennsylvanicusThe common field mouse (Meadow Vole) is the most common mammal in North America.
The cat is the most popular pet in America.
The most common bird in North America is the albatross.Common Birds of Prey in North America are listed below: Falcons: American kestrelHawks: Red-tailed hawkEagles:Bald EagleVultures:Black vultureCondors:California condor(I know it's rare, but is's the only condor in North America)
Which animal has done the most to say the landscape of North America
A groundhog is a rodent of the Sciuridae family and belongs to the group of marmots. The groundhog can be found in North America and is most common in the northeastern and central area.