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The irony in the unfairness of things is that suffering is enobling. To endure suffering is to find the love in it and to outlast it or be able to change or end the suffering. If things were always fair, no person would be challenged by the bad. It is in the things you do not accept that you find your strength or passion to rise up and change or just learn and grow. The irony is that the burden of unfairness might make you strong enough to not just continue and spread the same. To be fair to others is really to treat them to what you would hope to have for yourself. To be unfair to others is to forget who you really are. The world might as well be a mirror, at least to identify ill in the world is to relate via your own experience or empathy. Fortunately the same applies to the beautiful things in the world. Focus on those and you will find more and more, just like your focus has found so much unfair irony. -stonalone

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The irony lies in the fact that despite our strong desire for fairness and justice, the world often presents us with circumstances that seem fundamentally unfair and unjust. This contrast highlights the complexity and unpredictability of life, challenging our beliefs and expectations. Ultimately, it prompts us to reflect on the nature of fairness and the inherent challenges of navigating a world that is not always just.

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Q: What is the irony in the so much unfairness of things?
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In sociology what is the difference between inequality and inequity?

Inequality refers to disparities in opportunities, resources, and distribution of wealth among individuals or groups. Inequity, on the other hand, suggests that these disparities are unfair, unjust, or avoidable due to social, economic, or political factors. Inequity implies a moral judgment about the unfairness of inequality.

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in the world, china, have you ever noticed everything you see saying: MADE IN CHINA?, they have so much oil because they are rich and they make other places things. Florida probably has the the most oil in the USA because of their oil spill last year. POOR ANIMALS!!!

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Because they're older than you, and they've done the things you're doing, so they think they're know-it-all's.

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"SR" in slang can stand for a variety of things, including "sir," "so really," or "sensitivity reader." It can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

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Many things happen in the world in one minute. People meet, people die, babies are born, people go hungry, and so on.

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