Rockford, Illinois has a higher crime rate compared to other cities in the United States. It is important to note that crime rates can vary within different neighborhoods of the city. It is advisable to consult local law enforcement or crime statistics for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
As of the latest data, Illinois typically has a higher crime rate compared to Ohio. The exact comparison can vary depending on the specific type of crime being measured and the time period analyzed.
Springfield, Massachusetts has a higher crime rate compared to the national average. It is important to look at specific crime statistics for different types of crimes to get a more comprehensive understanding of the safety in the area.
St. Louis, Missouri has a high crime rate compared to other cities in the United States. It ranks among the top cities for violent crime and property crime, making it a city with above-average crime rates.
The states with the highest percentage of African Americans are Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia. In terms of crime rates among African Americans, the states with higher rates of crime among this group include Illinois, Louisiana, and Missouri.
Miami Beach, Florida has a moderate crime rate compared to other cities in the United States. It is important to note that crime rates can vary throughout different neighborhoods within Miami Beach. It is recommended to research specific crime statistics in the area you are interested in.
Rockford, Illinois is in Winnebago County.
The driving distance from Moline, Illinois to Rockford, Illinois is 125 miles.
Joliet, IL is in a southeast direction from Rockford, IL.
The web address of the Rockford P.L is:
The phone number of the Rockford P.L is: 815-965-6731.
The address of the Rockford P.L is: 215 N Wyman St, Rockford, IL 61101-1023
The Rockford Register Star is a daily newspaper that services the Rockford area in Illinois. It has the fourth biggest circulation in Illinois and is the one hundred and sixty-third in the USA.
Larry Morrissey is the current mayor of Rockford, IL.
The web address of the Rockford Art Museum is:
Rockford, Illinois
Rockford, Illinois