The population density of the world in 2010 was approximately 49.2 people per square kilometer.
Tokyo, Japan is often considered one of the most crowded cities in the world due to its high population density and large number of residents living in a relatively small area. It is known for its bustling streets, packed train stations, and compact living spaces.
The population density of the planet (including all land area) is about 105 people per square mile. If Antarctica is eliminated (since it has zero population density), the world population density rises only to 115 people per square mile.
Monaco has the highest arithmetic density in the world. Its small size and high population contribute to this density.
The average population density for the World is 117.1 people per square mile. Of the populated countries Greenland has the lowest population density with 0.067 people per square mile however Antarctica is unpopulated. The most densely populated country in the World is Macau with 48,450 people per square mile closely followed by Monaco with 43,780 people per square mile
The average density of population in the whole world in km square is approximately 34.06.
Monaco has the highest population density in the world.
Canada's population density is quite dense. The density is densely condensed into one densely dense country. The population density is dense enough to form a flaming ball of people if a single fart is lit on fire. and on a whole other note, yes, it is possible to light farts on fire. But back onto density. Ah yes, density, how dense can the population get? well if you squished the whole population of Canada together and rolled them all up into one big dense ball, it would be half the size of 'mericas dense ball. Then we would have some foreign dude come and light them in a blaze and the fire that gets the biggest, that country will have the smallest population density. you are welcome :)
Density in population per square kilometer in Bangladesh was reported at 1237 sq. Km in 2015, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. There is no data available after 2015,
Europe: - Population: about 740,000,000 - Area: 10,180,000 km2 - Population Density: 73/km2 United States: - Population: about 313,000,000 - Area: 9,826,675 km2 - Population Density: 32/km2 Europe's population density is more than double that of the United States.
The population density of the world in 2010 was approximately 49.2 people per square kilometer.
Tokyo, Japan is often considered one of the most crowded cities in the world due to its high population density and large number of residents living in a relatively small area. It is known for its bustling streets, packed train stations, and compact living spaces.
Population density in China was last measured at 144.10 in 2011, according to the World Bank. Population density is midyear population divided by land area in square kilometers.
I would say Nigeria is overpopulated. It is above the world average population density (world: 47/km2, Nigeria: 167/km2) the more Population in The Whole World
Bangladesh has the world's 9th highest population density - about 1,099.3 persons per square kilometer.
Monaco has the second highest population density in the world, with approximately 25,000 people per square kilometer. This small city-state on the French Riviera is known for its high population density due to its small geographic size and high population. Only Macau surpasses Monaco in terms of population density, with over 21,000 people per square kilometer.