The average family size in Calgary is around 2.9 people per household.
The average family size in Venezuela is around 3 to 4 people per household.
Yes, average family size can vary between regions in countries due to factors such as cultural norms, economic conditions, urbanization levels, and access to education and family planning services. These factors can impact decisions around family size and influence demographics in different regions.
The average family size in Somalia is around 6-7 members. Family structures in Somalia tend to be large and extended, with multiple generations living together in one household.
The average family size in Malawi is around 4-5 members. This can vary based on factors such as location, urban or rural setting, and socio-economic status.
What is the family size in india?The average family size in India is still six.
In 1996 average family size 5.8
The average family size in India is 4.625 people.
In 2007 the average size for a family in Zambia was 7.3 people. As of 2011, this has decreased to an average size of 6.3.
I believe the average family size in Afghanistan is 6.7 members.
Its the england
the average family size in Guatemala is 3 to 4 members.
The average family size in the United States is 3.59. The average children per household is 2.4
the average family size in South Dakota per house hold is 2.59
The average family size in Ancient Egypt is 15 Perferrably all boys
Mostly it is grandparrents, mom, dad, brother/sister
average family size in Thailand