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Sociologists tend to classify societies based on factors such as economic systems, social hierarchies, cultural practices, and levels of technological development. These features help differentiate societies based on their organization, values, and social structures.

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Q: What feature do sociologist tend to use to classify societies?
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What is a major difference between modern and postmodern societies?

One major difference is their approach to truth and knowledge. Modern societies tend to value objective truth and scientific reasoning, while postmodern societies challenge the idea of objective truth and see knowledge as socially constructed and subjective. Postmodern societies also tend to embrace diversity, individualism, and skepticism towards metanarratives.

Which sociologist coined the term the iron Law of oligarchy?

The term "Iron Law of Oligarchy" was coined by the German sociologist Robert Michels in his 1911 book "Political Parties." He posited that all organizations, including democratic ones, tend to become oligarchies over time, with power concentrated in the hands of a few.

What characteristics distinguish sedentary society from non sedentary societies?

Sedentary societies are characterized by permanent settlements where people engage in agriculture and animal husbandry, leading to surplus food production. Non-sedentary societies, such as hunter-gatherer or nomadic groups, rely on moving from place to place in search of resources. Sedentary societies tend to have more complex social structures, specialized labor, and larger populations compared to non-sedentary societies.

Do Sociologists today tend to focus more on generalized theories than on specific problems?

Many sociologists today use a combination of generalized theories and specific problems in their research. They often start with broader theoretical frameworks and then apply them to address specific social issues or problems. This approach helps to understand both the underlying patterns of social behavior and the unique dynamics of particular social contexts.

What are the features of plantation society?

Plantation societies are characterized by large-scale agricultural production based on a single crop and usually involve slavery or indentured labor. They are typically organized in a hierarchical structure with a small elite owning the plantations and controlling the economy and society. Plantation societies tend to have a high level of inequality, with wealth and power concentrated in the hands of a few.

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Does society support family values?

It depends on what society you are talking about. Some societies, especially Asian societies, are very family-focused, while others such as American societies tend to support more independence.

What is a major difference between modern and postmodern societies?

One major difference is their approach to truth and knowledge. Modern societies tend to value objective truth and scientific reasoning, while postmodern societies challenge the idea of objective truth and see knowledge as socially constructed and subjective. Postmodern societies also tend to embrace diversity, individualism, and skepticism towards metanarratives.

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Sort of, they play a bit of everything really and don't tend to classify themselves

Which sociologist coined the term the iron Law of oligarchy?

The term "Iron Law of Oligarchy" was coined by the German sociologist Robert Michels in his 1911 book "Political Parties." He posited that all organizations, including democratic ones, tend to become oligarchies over time, with power concentrated in the hands of a few.

A leading theorist of bureaucratic rule was?

The leading proponent of the theory of bureaucratic rule was the German sociologist Max Weber, who argued that all large organizations tend toward the bureaucratic form.

Why do poorer societies have higher growth rates than wealthier societies?

They need to have more births because poorer countries tend to have a higher child mortality rate, so they need to keep giving birth until 1 or 2 survvies

Do Predominantly Atheist Countries Have Lowest Crime Rate?

No, the lowest crime rates tend to be found in small monotheistic/pantheistic societies.

Why are blonds stereotyped?

Because typically blonde haired people tend to ask ridiculous questions and/or act in a way that people would classify as dumb.

How do cultural practices of indigenous societies improve or diminish the environment as compared to mainstream societies?

Cultural practices of indigenous societies can often improve the environment in comparison to mainstream societies. Indigenous communities have deep connections to their land, prioritizing sustainable practices such as regenerative agriculture and forest management. They often display a strong understanding of ecological balance and the interdependency of species. However, when indigenous communities are marginalized or their cultural practices disrupted, it can diminish the environment due to the loss of traditional knowledge and the adoption of destructive practices from mainstream societies.

What characteristics distinguish sedentary society from non sedentary societies?

Sedentary societies are characterized by permanent settlements where people engage in agriculture and animal husbandry, leading to surplus food production. Non-sedentary societies, such as hunter-gatherer or nomadic groups, rely on moving from place to place in search of resources. Sedentary societies tend to have more complex social structures, specialized labor, and larger populations compared to non-sedentary societies.

What was the key difference in religious belief structures between horticultural and hunting societies?

In horticultural societies, belief systems often revolve around fertility and the cycles of nature, while in hunting societies, spirituality is often focused on hunting rituals and animal spirits. Horticultural societies tend to have more complex religious rituals and beliefs due to their sedentary lifestyle and reliance on agriculture for survival.

What is structural discrimination?

Structural discrimination is when certain communities and societies have discriminatory views about certain people and other societies. They tend to pass on the discriminatory views down through their generations. They have a certain set of beliefs that they follow and have pre conceived ideas.