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The mass industrialization in Britain opened a Pandora' Box of social problems connected to the period. These included mass poverty, a lack of education of the masses, social problems such as Alcoholism and child labor. Social responsibility by the upper classes treated the solving of these problems as a duty because of their elevated social status. In general, this involved providing direct help or that administered via the social agencies for those less privileged as a result of the rigid class system of the time.

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In the Victorian era, there was an increasing emphasis on social responsibility driven by movements for social reform. This era saw the rise of philanthropy, charity work, and social activism aimed at addressing issues like poverty, education, and public health. Prominent figures such as Charles Dickens and Florence Nightingale advocated for social responsibility and sought to improve conditions for the less fortunate.

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Q: What does social responsibility have to do with the Victorian era?
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How does social Darwinism relate to the Victorian Era?

Social Darwinism, popular during the Victorian Era, applied Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to the development of society. It justified social inequalities by arguing that competition and "survival of the fittest" were natural, leading to support for laissez-faire capitalism. This ideology reinforced existing class distinctions and contributed to a belief in the superiority of certain groups over others.

What are three types of social responsibility?

Environmental responsibility, which involves minimizing negative environmental impacts. Philanthropic responsibility, which focuses on supporting charitable causes and community development. Ethical responsibility, which involves acting with integrity, transparency, and fairness in all business activities.

What is it called when companies support social issues?

When companies support social issues, it is referred to as corporate social responsibility (CSR). This involves businesses taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on society and the environment.

What is the social responsibility of tourism?

The social responsibility of tourism is the attempt to keep the tourists safe. An advisory board and cooperative structure can help establish rules for conduct.

Where did rich Victorian children work?

Rich Victorian children did not typically work in paid employment. They were often educated at home or in private schools and focused on developing social skills and pursuing leisure activities. Working-class children in the Victorian era, however, often had to work in factories, mines, or as domestic servants to help support their families.

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help me !!!

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The Christian Church was the single most powerful social organization in Europe from the Middle Ages to the end of the Victorian era.

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What era was A Christmas Carol written in?

"A Christmas Carol" was written during the Victorian era, in 1843, by Charles Dickens. The novella reflects the social issues and values of that time, particularly focusing on themes of poverty, generosity, and redemption.

What was the era before the Victorian era?

There were a number of eras that were between the Tudor era and the Victorian era. The era were in the following order after the Tudor era came Stuart era and then the Georgian era which was followed by the Victorian era.

Was the Victorian times before edwardian times?

Yes, The Victorian era was 1837-1901 and the Edwardian era was 1901-1910 Because the Victorian era is named after Queen Victoria, and the Edwardian after her son who came to the throne on her death

What is a kristy rho?

A Victorian-era sandwich. No, she is not a Victorian-era sandwich. She is a UNICORN!

Behavior during the Victorian era?

The Victorian Era was a time of conflicting morality.

When did the Victorian Era start and finish?

The Victorian Era started at 1819 to 1901

How did the royal family life in the Victorian times?

The only monarch in the Victorian era was Queen Victoria, which is why it is the Victorian era.

Which period did dickens write during Edwardian Tudor or Victorian?

Charles Dickens wrote during the Victorian era. He was a prominent British novelist and social commentator whose works, such as "Oliver Twist," "A Christmas Carol," and "Great Expectations," often critiqued the social injustices of his time. The Victorian era spanned from 1837 to 1901, during the reign of Queen Victoria.