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It seems to me that there are two types of "equality." There is institutional equality which concerns itself with how an individual is treated by governmental or other institutions and there's individual, or personal, equality, which has to do with how one is treated by other individuals within a society.

Most modern (enlightened?) societies today incorporate the concept of equality in their laws to ensure that the individual is treated the same, and has the same opportunities, as all other individual members of the society.

Personal equality has more to do with the perceptions of other members of the society about the individual. Sometimes, these perceptions are preconceived and based not on the actions of the particular individual, but on the perceptions of other individuals within similar groups. Often these perceptions are based on the actions of the behavior of the individual in question.

We all have a "right" to governmental or institutional equality, but sometimes personal equality must be earned. If you dress like a skank, and hang out with a rough crowd, you could be the nicest and most responsible gal in high school, but you may have a hard time getting that job as a baby sitter with the neighbors down the street.

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5mo ago

The right to equality is the principle that all individuals should be treated equally under the law and have access to the same opportunities without discrimination based on factors like race, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status. It ensures that everyone has the same rights and freedoms, and that no one should be favored or discriminated against unjustly.

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Is an equality of conditions income housing and the like a necessary ingredient of democracy?

Equality of conditions, including access to affordable housing, can help promote equality, social cohesion, and a sense of fairness within a democratic society. However, it is not necessarily a requirement for democracy to function. Democratic principles such as equality, freedom, and opportunity can still exist even in societies with significant economic inequality.

What is the synonym for social justice?

Equality, fairness, justice.

Explain how six factors influence equality and diversity thse should be social and politiacl factors gender age sexuality disablity ethnicity?

Social factors such as discrimination, prejudice, and social norms can impact equality and diversity by creating barriers for certain groups. Political factors like legislation, policies, and representation can either promote or hinder equality and diversity by shaping the legal and institutional frameworks. Gender can influence equality and diversity by highlighting disparities in opportunities and treatment between men and women. Age can affect equality and diversity as different age groups may face varying levels of social inclusion and access to resources. Sexuality can impact equality and diversity by exposing individuals to discrimination or marginalization based on their sexual orientation. Disability can influence equality and diversity by creating physical or social barriers that limit the participation and inclusion of people with disabilities. Ethnicity can shape equality and diversity by affecting experiences of discrimination, representation, and access to resources based on one's racial or ethnic background.

What are the characteristics of a modernised society?

Characteristics of a modernized society include technological advancement, access to education and healthcare, democratic governance, gender equality, diversity acceptance, environmental sustainability, and a strong economy based on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Is a equality of conditions (in income housing and the like) a necessary ingredient of democracy?

Equality of conditions is not necessarily a requirement for democracy to exist, as democracies can function with varying levels of income and housing inequality. However, promoting equality can enhance the functioning and fairness of a democratic system by ensuring that all individuals have equal opportunities to participate and succeed in society.

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What is right to equality?

The Right to Equality can be defined as many things. I define it as the Right to Equal treatment under the law. However the Right to Equality can also mean the Right to be equal in all affairs. It is a mostly leftist kind of right that is not supported by most right-wingers.

What is the difference between right to equality and right of equality?

The right to equality refers to the legal entitlement to be treated without discrimination or bias under the law. On the other hand, the right of equality typically refers to the principle or concept of equality itself, emphasizing fairness and equal treatment in various aspects of society beyond just legal rights.

How Indian government ensure equality to its citizen?

By giving fundamental right to its citizens. Like right to equality, right to freedom, etc.

What is social equality?

social equality mean social that people live and have respect right the same right other and they have freedom, right for life .

What do you understand about the philosophy of equality?

The philosophy of equality will bring harmonious society, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and economic status.

Who said equality is unnatural and undesirable?

Thomas Jefferson thought that equality was right

All people are promised their equality by the Declaration of Independence it also promises the right to pursue happiness.?


National and local guidelines relating to rights and equality and diversity?

national guides line related to rights ,equality and diversity

What are all the abstract nouns in this sentence All people are promised their equality by the Declaration of Independence it also promises the right to pursue happiness?


Why was slaving abolished?

Because it was against the right to equality.

Give me slogans of right to equality?

your fat, im not

Is there a Bible verse about equality?

Yes there is a Bible verse about equality. Look at a Youth Bible and it will show you