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The Soviet Union, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, used collectivization in the 1920s and 1930s to forcibly take over private land and create state-controlled farms. This policy aimed to consolidate agricultural production, but resulted in widespread famine and hardship for many peasants.

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Q: What country used collectivization to forcibly take over private land to create state controlled farms?
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Why did the Gulag class in particular oppose collectivization?

The Gulag class, which consisted of wealthy peasants or kulaks in Soviet Russia, opposed collectivization because it threatened their private property and independence. They were forced to give up their land and livestock to join collective farms, leading to economic losses and loss of status. Many resorted to sabotage or resistance against the forced collectivization.

Is Harvard a public or private school?

Harvard is a private school.

What is the difference in a communist country than a free country?

In a communist country, the government owns and controls the means of production and distribution of goods and services, while in a free country, individuals and private entities have more control over the economy. Communist countries tend to have centralized planning and fewer individual freedoms compared to free countries, where there is usually a greater emphasis on individual liberties and free-market principles.

Can people in a socialist country own private property?

In a purely socialist society, private ownership of the means of production is typically limited or abolished, while personal belongings and property may still be allowed. Control and distribution of resources are usually managed collectively or through the state.

What are the consequences of capitalism?

Some consequences of capitalism include income inequality, exploitation of labor, environmental degradation, and market instability. These factors can lead to social unrest, economic crises, and worsened disparities between the wealthy and the poor.

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Which country used collectivization to forcibly take over private land to create state-controlled farms?

The USSR did while Stalin was in charge.

In what ways do collectivization and privatization differ?

Collectivization involves centralizing control and ownership of resources, typically by the state, whereas privatization involves transferring ownership and control from the state to private individuals or entities. Collectivization aims to promote equality and efficiency through communal ownership, while privatization aims to increase competition and efficiency by allowing private ownership and market forces to drive decision-making.

How was food allocated during collectivization?

Peasants were allowed to keep a small private plot of land for their own food production.

Why did the Gulag class in particular oppose collectivization?

The Gulag class, which consisted of wealthy peasants or kulaks in Soviet Russia, opposed collectivization because it threatened their private property and independence. They were forced to give up their land and livestock to join collective farms, leading to economic losses and loss of status. Many resorted to sabotage or resistance against the forced collectivization.

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Government businesses are controlled by the government private businesses are controlled by the private.Government businesses are set up by Congress.

What is capitalisum?

Capitalism is a political or economic system that a country's industry or trade is being controlled by private owners for property. Capitalism has continued throughout history.

What is a control economy?

Economy in which much of the activity is controlled by government policy rather than by the dictates of markets. Examples are socialist and communist economies.

How government businesses different from private businesses?

Government businesses are controlled by the government private businesses are controlled by the private.Government businesses are set up by Congress.

How are government business different from private business?

Government businesses are controlled by the government private businesses are controlled by the private.Government businesses are set up by Congress.

How are government businesses different from private businesses?

Government businesses are controlled by the government private businesses are controlled by the private.Government businesses are set up by Congress.

How are government business different from private businesses?

Government businesses are controlled by the government private businesses are controlled by the private.Government businesses are set up by Congress.

Difference between public bank and a private bank and foreign bank?

Public bank: More than 50% stake owned by government. Hence controlled (management, operations etc) by govt. Private Bank: More than 50% stake owned by private individuals or institutions within the country and registered in the same country. Private management. Foreign Bank: Banks registered outside the home country and owned by individuals/institutions from another country but with branches present in home country. Has to follow regulations of both countries.