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Social classes are hierarchical divisions in society based on factors like wealth, power, and status. In early villages, the development of social classes was largely influenced by the control of resources such as land, food surplus, and specialized skills. This led to the emergence of elites who controlled these resources, creating a stratified society.

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Q: What are social classes and what factor in early villages lead to their development?
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What are soical classes and what factor in early villages led to their development?

Social classes are groups of people in a society who have similar levels of wealth, influence, and status. In early villages, factors such as agricultural surplus, specialized labor roles, and the emergence of leadership positions led to the development of social classes. This created hierarchies within societies based on individuals' access to resources and power.

What factor in early villages led to social class development?

The division of labor based on skills and abilities likely played a role in the development of social classes in early villages. Those who were better at certain tasks, such as farming or crafting, may have gained more influence and status, leading to social stratification within the community. Additionally, access to resources, such as land or possessions, could have contributed to the formation of social classes as well.

What are social classes and what factors in early villages led to their development?

People and their windows

What factor led to the development of social classes?

The development of social classes can be attributed to factors such as wealth accumulation, power dynamics, and division of labor within societies. As communities grew and became more complex, individuals with more resources gained advantages over others, leading to the formation of distinct social strata.

Which of the following is a social factor that can influence consumer buying decisions?

Social class is a social factor that can influence consumer buying decisions. People belonging to different social classes may have different preferences, behaviors, and purchasing patterns based on their social status and values.

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What are social classes and factor in early villages led to their development?

People and their windows

What factor in early villages led to social classes?

Similar skills led to their development.

What are soical classes and what factor in early villages led to their development?

Social classes are groups of people in a society who have similar levels of wealth, influence, and status. In early villages, factors such as agricultural surplus, specialized labor roles, and the emergence of leadership positions led to the development of social classes. This created hierarchies within societies based on individuals' access to resources and power.

What factor in early villages led to social class development?

The division of labor based on skills and abilities likely played a role in the development of social classes in early villages. Those who were better at certain tasks, such as farming or crafting, may have gained more influence and status, leading to social stratification within the community. Additionally, access to resources, such as land or possessions, could have contributed to the formation of social classes as well.

What has the author Anwarullah Chowdhury written?

Anwarullah Chowdhury has written: 'A Bangladesh village' -- subject(s): Rural conditions, Social classes, Villages 'Agrarian social relations and rural development in Bangladesh' -- subject(s): Cooperative Agriculture, Economic development projects, Rural development, Social classes

What are social classes and what factors in early villages led to their development?

People and their windows

How did prosperity lead to the development of social classes?

Prosperity led to another major change in society~the development of social classes

How are simple and complex villages the same?

They had life, social classes, people, and they are awesome.

What factor led to the development of social classes?

The development of social classes can be attributed to factors such as wealth accumulation, power dynamics, and division of labor within societies. As communities grew and became more complex, individuals with more resources gained advantages over others, leading to the formation of distinct social strata.

What factors in social class in early villages led to their development?

People and their windows

How did prosperity lead to the development social class?

Prosperity led to another major change in society~the development of social classes

Did the Industrial Revolution affect the development of social classes in Great Britain?

Answer this question… It divided society into a greater number of social classes.