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Filipino students perform poorly in Math:

  • In the 2003 National Achievement Test, the average grade is 44% for elementary and 36% for secondary level.
  • In TIMMS 2003, the Philippines ranked 41st out of 45 countries in Mathematics.
  • There is a shortage of almost 50,000 teachers, and the result; teachers teaching multiple subjects.

The trends nowadays are interactive and more visual class discussion. This arouses students interest and gives them the idea that mathematical concepts is indeed a fun learning activity.

For instance,

  • Before discussing formulas, it is better to let students discover certain patterns by some examples with the use of computing devices.
  • Formulation of proofs is better when students are able to interact with the figures.
  • Relationship between variables can be better understood when students are able to see the effects of changing one variable.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Some current issues in the Philippines' education system include inadequate funding leading to overcrowded classrooms and lack of resources, disparities in quality of education between urban and rural areas, and limited access to higher education for marginalized groups such as indigenous peoples and those in poverty. Additionally, there are challenges with outdated curriculum, teacher shortages, and inadequate teacher training.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

There are a number of problems that the education sector in the Philippines face. They include Gargantuan problems, the wide social divide and brain drain.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

A lack of classroom space and a scarcity of books are two examples.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

insufficient facilities and equipments in most public high school....that is the major problem in today's educational system

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βˆ™ 15y ago

one year extension proposed by CHED.

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Q: What are current issues of the Philippines' education system?
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What are the social institutions in the philippines?

Some key social institutions in the Philippines include the family, government, education system, religious organizations, and community groups. These institutions play a significant role in shaping social norms, values, and behaviors within Filipino society.

Political system of the Philippines in 19th century?

During the 19th century, the Philippines was under Spanish colonial rule. The political system was characterized by a centralized and authoritarian governance structure, with power concentrated in the hands of Spanish officials and the friars. There was limited political participation for the local population, and dissent was often met with repression.

What are the Functions of educational Sociology?

Education has an important effect on society. The better educated a society is the better it is able to produce rules or laws that allow its members to have a better quality of life.

According to social conflict analysis the education system serves the interests of the powerful and injures the interests of the powerfuless to what extent does this apply to the educational system?

Social conflict analysis suggests that the education system primarily benefits the dominant social groups by perpetuating existing power structures and inequalities. This can be seen in disparities in funding and resources between schools in wealthy and poor areas, as well as in unequal access to quality education based on social status. Overall, the education system can reinforce and reproduce social inequalities rather than challenging them.

Can a country be capitalistic and socialistic?

A country can have a mix of capitalist and socialist principles in its economic system, although it may lean more towards one or the other. For example, a country could have a capitalist economy with socialist welfare programs aimed at addressing social issues like healthcare and education.

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Some current controversial issues in the Philippine educational system include the quality of education, lack of resources, unequal access to education especially in rural areas, issues with curriculum relevance and implementation, and the challenges faced by teachers in terms of workload, training, and compensation. These issues continue to spark debates and calls for reforms to address the shortcomings in the Philippine educational system.

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