On average, around 100 people are killed by gunshot wounds every day in the US. This includes both homicides and suicides.
About 100 people in the US die from gunshot wounds every day, including suicides, homicides, and accidents.
If 12 people survived out of the 100 you killed, then those 12 are the only ones who are alive.
On average, around six people die from bear attacks worldwide each year. However, it is important to note that fatal bear attacks are rare and encountering a bear in the wild is mostly safe as long as appropriate precautions are taken.
About three trilion. at least scientests think because people are born or dead every minute. in fact every 11 seconds a baby is born and every minute someone dies. About three trilion. at least scientests think because people are born or dead every minute. in fact every 11 seconds a baby is born and every minute someone dies.
You can lose 100 pounds by using a 100 lb punching bag, for every other day for 30 minutes, by engaging in a continuous exercise, and not overindulging in junk food.
you can lose up to 90-100 pounds a year if you watch your calorie in take and burn up to 600-800 calories a day because 365 divided by 4 is 90.so if u lose a pound every 4 days you will lose 90 - 100 pounds.
Yes, It is scientific that at least 100 people in every county LOVE pie
over 100 people join this website every month.
If you lose 150 hairs per day for 10 days, you would have lost 1500 hairs total. The change in the number of hairs you have would be a decrease of 1500 hairs.
100 people
Over 100 million people speak French every day and another 100 million people speak French regularly, but perhaps not daily.
Stop eating and run in sweats for 12-16 hours every day.
It is normal for everyone to lose around 100 strands of hair every day.
approximately i for every 100 people.....
It is possible to lose 100lbs by following a good diet and doing a hard exercise.