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The Rajoria caste is not a scheduled caste. It is classified as an Other Backward Class (OBC) in certain states of India.

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Q: Is rajoria caste is schedules caste?
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What social caste is vaishya?

Vaishya is the "Merchant" caste. Shopkeepers, people who buy and sell things (but not their labour) belong in this caste. The four main castes in India are: Brahmin, The Priestly caste Kshatriya, The Warrior caste Vaishya, The Merchant caste Shudra, The Labourer caste

Is caste system is caste discrimination?

Yes, the caste system is a system of social stratification in which people are categorized into hierarchical groups based on their birth. Caste discrimination refers to the unfair treatment or prejudice experienced by individuals based on their caste, leading to social, economic, and educational disparities. Discrimination based on caste is a violation of human rights and is prevalent in some societies where the caste system exists.

Is barman a schedule caste?

There is no specific caste or schedule caste called "barman." Caste classifications can vary across regions and communities in India. It is important to avoid making assumptions about someone's caste based on their occupation or surname.

Is takhi caste a schedule caste?

No, takhi caste is not a scheduled caste. Scheduled castes are officially recognized under the Indian constitution and have access to certain benefits and protections, whereas takhi caste may not have similar official recognition.

Is chat ha caste a schedule caste?

In India, members of the Chamar caste are classified as a Scheduled Caste. It is important to recognize and respect the diverse cultural and social backgrounds of individuals.