Grant is a very popular first name for men (#343 out of 1220) and also a very popular surname or last name for all people (#154 out of 88799). (1990 U.S. Census)
There is no precise number available for the total number of people named Grant in the world, as it would require gathering data from various sources globally. The name Grant is relatively common in English-speaking countries like the United States, Canada, and Scotland.
The most common boy name is James. [1] The most common girl name is Mary. [2]
the most common name was heather
As of 2021, the most common girls' name in the UK is Olivia.
The common name given to the Sisters of Charity is the "Grey Nuns."
Grant Park is the name of a specific park. That makes it a proper noun instead of a common noun.
No relation. Leach is a common name in Britain.
Grant is a good name
Avram Grant's birth name is Avraham Grant.
Nikki Grant's birth name is Nicole Grant.
Grant Heslov's birth name is Grant A. Heslov.
Grant Kurzman's birth name is Grant Brendan Kurzman.
Grant Show's birth name is Grant Alan Show.
Grant Imahara's birth name is Grant Masaru Imahara.
Grant Kempster's birth name is Richard Grant Kempster.
Grant Hoover's birth name is William Grant Hoover.
Grant Feasel's birth name is Grant Earl Feasel.