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When the cotton gin was invented it gave cotton growers a way to grow more cotton. More cotton meant more slaves, and more slaves meant more production. With production going that meant more could be sold and that also means more money. Money gave the plantation owners riches beyond belief and they lived very well off the slave labor. About the same time in England the spinning cotton Jenny was invented so they needed the cotton the south grew. The conjunction of all of these things gave the southern plantation society unlimited power. When the civil war started they thought England would help them because they needed the imported cotton, but the English where houses were full of bales of cotton.

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Annabel Jacobs

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2y ago
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10mo ago

The rise of cotton production and reliance on slavery significantly impacted Southern society. The booming cotton industry led to the expansion of plantations, the demand for more slaves, and the consolidation of wealth and power among the Southern elite. Slavery became intertwined with the economy and culture of the South, shaping social hierarchies, attitudes, and laws. Additionally, the institution of slavery created deep divisions between the North and South, which ultimately contributed to the outbreak of the American Civil War.

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Q: How might the rise of cotton produce and slavery affect southern society?
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How did slavery and agriculture affect the economy and society of the south?

Slavery and agriculture played a significant role in shaping the economy and society of the southern United States. Slavery provided cheap labor for the agricultural industry, particularly in cotton and tobacco production, leading to economic prosperity for landowners but contributing to a stark wealth disparity. This system also perpetuated social stratification and racial inequalities, with enslaved people being deprived of their freedom and rights while landowners benefited from their labor.

How did slavery in the Americas affect African society?

Slavery in the Americas contributed to the disruption of African societies by removing millions of people from their communities, leading to population decline and social disintegration. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade further fueled intertribal warfare and instability in Africa as European powers sought to exploit local conflicts to capture individuals for enslavement.

How might the rise of cotton production and slavery affect southern soceity?

The rise of cotton production and slavery in the South led to the growth of a plantation economy that was heavily reliant on enslaved labor. This system perpetuated social hierarchies based on race and created a culture that normalized the brutal treatment of enslaved individuals. It also reinforced the political power of pro-slavery interests in the region.

How did the civil war impact American socirty then and now?

The Civil War had a significant impact on American society both then and now. It led to the end of slavery, reshaped the economy, and solidified the federal government's authority over the states. The war also entrenched racial divisions that continue to affect society today in terms of race relations and social disparities.

The view of society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system.?

This perspective is known as structural functionalism, which views society as a system with interconnected parts that work together to maintain social stability and order. Each part of society serves a function to contribute to the overall well-being and equilibrium of the system. Changes in one part of society can affect other parts and the system as a whole.

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How might the rise of cotton production and slavery affect southern society?

They may become dependant on slavery and cotton may be an essential thing over a large area in the U.S. Skittles H. <3

How might the rise of cotton production slavery affect the southern society?

They may become dependant on slavery and cotton may be an essential thing over a large area in the U.S. Skittles H. <3

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Slavery and agriculture played a significant role in shaping the economy and society of the southern United States. Slavery provided cheap labor for the agricultural industry, particularly in cotton and tobacco production, leading to economic prosperity for landowners but contributing to a stark wealth disparity. This system also perpetuated social stratification and racial inequalities, with enslaved people being deprived of their freedom and rights while landowners benefited from their labor.

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How might the rise of cotton prduction and slavery affect Southern society?

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Slavery in the Americas contributed to the disruption of African societies by removing millions of people from their communities, leading to population decline and social disintegration. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade further fueled intertribal warfare and instability in Africa as European powers sought to exploit local conflicts to capture individuals for enslavement.

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