About 1 in 5,000 people eace year are diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome.
The exact number is not known, but Edwards' syndrome (Trisomy 18) is estimated to occur in about 1 in 5,000 live births. It is less common than Down syndrome.
The company employs approximately 566,000 employees worldwide.
In 2011, the tourist industry employed approximately 235 million people worldwide.
As of 2021, Lush employs over 17,000 people worldwide across its various locations in different countries.
Costa Coffee employs around 30,000 people worldwide across its numerous locations.
Chanel employs over 20,000 people worldwide.
no because many die before the first 6 months they live
Edwards syndrome, also known as trisomy 18, is a genetic disorder that is often severe and can be life-threatening. Many babies born with Edwards syndrome have significant health problems and developmental delays, which can result in a shortened lifespan. The majority of babies with Edwards syndrome do not survive beyond the first year of life.
Cotard syndrome is a rare psychiatric condition where individuals believe they are dead or do not exist. There is limited data on the exact number of people diagnosed with Cotard syndrome worldwide, but it is considered to be very rare and only a few hundred cases have been reported in medical literature.
Joubert syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, so exact numbers can vary. However, it is estimated to occur in about 1 in 80,000 to 100,000 births worldwide. This makes it a very rare condition.
Approximately 500 - 600 people in the word have Joubert Syndrome.
Less then a few hundred people on earth at a time have morquio syndrome.
1 in every 5,00o to 7,000 people have Marfan syndrome.
worldwide nearly 60 million people died.
About 2.2 million people are affected by the disease worldwide.
Sierra Kyla and Justin have down syndrome
Yes, a girl with Down syndrome can have a boyfriend, and many do. People with Down syndrome have the same relationship needs as people without Down syndrome.