The number of people living in one shanty house can vary depending on the size of the house and the individual circumstances of the occupants. It is not uncommon to find multiple families or individuals sharing a shanty house due to limited resources and affordability constraints.
The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are office buildings and do not house any residents.
The number of people who live around a house can vary widely depending on the location and density of the neighborhood. It could range from just a few individuals in rural areas to several hundred or even thousands in densely populated urban areas.
As of 2021, an estimated 260,000 people live in Wolverhampton.
The amount of times an average person will move house in their lives varies from person to person. However, people who live in Britain tend to move house 8 times during their lives, whereas people who live in America move an average of 11.7 times in their life.
To many!
Good question, you can try looking it up online.
It depends on how big the house is.
Some people only have 2 people that live in a house. Some people have up to 20 people living in their house.
100-200 people?
how maney pepule live in Tanzania
How many people can legally live one house in the state will depend upon the size of the house. It will also depend upon the number of bedrooms.
¿Cuantos personas viven aquí?
It depends on the size of the house and the affluence of the occupants, so there is no simple answer.