16,200 people attended the fight.
many people use it a day buckethead!
At least 31 inmates were killed in the Altamira prison fight in January 2012. The violence erupted between two rival gangs, resulting in a deadly confrontation.
Around 20,000 people die of hunger every day in India.
It is estimated that over 100,000 people use the Luas tram system in Dublin each day.
Yes, many Polish soldiers, airmen and warships were involved in D-Day.
If you have a fight it is best not to say many mean things, say sorry the day after and don't worry about what the other people think of you.
There is no way to tell who Li had a fight with. He or she may have had many fights with many people.
16,200 people attended the fight.
Boxing Day is the day right after Christmas Day in many countries. On this day, workers receive gifts from their employers. This is neither a fight day or a moving day, the term "boxing" has a unknown origin.
one should take atleast two eggs a day to fight hair fall
The Pope asked them to fight and many Christians answered his call.
How many people sie a day
The Allied armies fought for a foothold back in Europe.
Two traditionally
The duration of Day of the Fight is 960.0 seconds.
They fought hundreds of animals.