It is impossible to get an exact number. The official website of Oktoberfest reports that there were 6 million visitors to Oktoberfest in 2008. Those 6 million drank 6 1/2 million liters of beer.
The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, attracts over six million visitors each year, making it one of the world's largest beer festivals and celebrations.
It varies each year, but typically thousands of people attend the spring harvest festival.
Approximately 30-35% of people in Indonesia attend college.
Around 4,000 students attend Iona College each year.
Around 20,000-50,000 people attend La Tomatina festival in Buñol, Spain each year.
Approximately 6,500 undergraduate students and 2,100 graduate students attend Dartmouth College.
There is no name for attendants of Oktoberfest. You might call them Volk or Teilnehmer.
Just about everyone who wants to. The Oktoberfest is attended by several million visitors every year and while many are locals, people are from different places all over Germany and the rest of the globe.
In Germany one of the customs is Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest happens every year and thousands of people come from other parts of the world to participate.
Over 600 people attend the conference.
Oktoberfest is as always in October! Prosit!
The largest Oktoberfest takes place in Munich. Oktoberfest is not celebrated outside of the region of Bavaria.
Type your answer here... Germany does with festivals and many traditional foods.
18,000 people!
Wir hatten viel Spaß auf dem Oktoberfest = We had great fun at the Oktoberfest.