There are 435 people in the House of Representatives plus 4 Delegates and 1 Resident Commissioner.
There is no data available on how many people are named Cindia specifically in the US.
There are approximately 43,000 people in the US with the first name Brennan.
There are approximately 53,000 people in the US named Alec.
As of 2020, there were approximately 59,000 people in the US with the first name Lenny.
The State House has 150 and the US House has 32.
They have three members of the US House.
He or she is called the Speaker of the House.
California has 53 members in the US House of Representatives.
It has seven members in the US House of Representatives.
The United States House of Representatives is made up of 435 voting members and 6 non-voting members. The term for a congressman is 2 years.
There are no term limits for the US House. Some Congressmen serve dozens of terms.
False, California does.
The lower house of Congress is called the House of Representatives. Although, the United States does not really use terms like that.
The US senate has 100 members. There are two members per state. But, the house of represenatives, depends on the states poplulation. For example, California has more people in the house of represenatives than wyoming.