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Approximately 48 million Americans suffer from Heart disease each year.

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Q: How many million Americans suffer from heart disease each year?
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How many Australian people suffer from heart disease?

Over 1 million a year

What refers to any conditions affecting the structures or functions of the cardiovascular systems and affects more than 70 million Americans?

Heart disease

What are the four common diseases?

Diabetes, lung disease, cancer, and heart disease are the four most common diseases that cause the most deaths. Every year, heart disease kills approximately one million Americans alone.

What disease suffer by swollen ankle?

Gout DVT Heart disease Arthritis Idiopathic oedema

What could you suffer from if you are obese?

An increased chance of heart disease and diabetes.

Cost of heart disease?

a million dollars

Can mice get heart diseases?

Yes, mice can get heart diseases. In fact, any creature that has a heart can get heart disease. Of course, mice usually do not die from heart disease; they face many other dangers that are likely to kill them before they get old enough to suffer from degenerative disease.

What percent of Americans die due to heart disease?

Around 25% of people die. About 49% of all Americans are at risk 600,000 people die due to heart disease per year.

Why is heart disease low in japan?

They have a healthier diet than americans .

Did Albert Einstein have a disease?

Albert Einstein died of heart failure,but He did suffer from Dyslexia,Epilepsy,and Autism.

What complications can diabetes mellitus cause?

renal (kidney) failure, heart disease, stroke, and blindness. Approximately 17 million Americans have diabetes. Unfortunately, as many as one-half are unaware they have it.

What race has the highest incidence rate of coronary heart disease?

African Americans