In 2006, there were 1,266 alcohol-related deaths in North Carolina.
Approximately 9 million people die of hunger and malnutrition-related causes every year, translating to about 24,000 deaths per day globally.
Around 8 million people die each year due to smoking-related causes, according to the World Health Organization. These deaths include both direct smoking-related illnesses like lung cancer and heart disease, as well as deaths due to exposure to secondhand smoke.
There are around 7,000 alcohol-related deaths in Britain per year, according to the latest available data.
Nicotine-related deaths are typically attributed to smoking tobacco, which kills about 8 million people worldwide each year. This includes both direct deaths from smoking-related illnesses (e.g. lung cancer, heart disease) and indirect deaths from secondhand smoke.
In 2011 in the US there were: - 16,634 Alcoholic Liver Disease deaths. - 26,256 Alcohol induced deaths
It is not known how many deaths are caused by artichokes every year. It is possible that artichokes do not cause any deaths.
there is multiple steroid related deaths. i also banged your mom.
How many vehicle related deaths in the USA in 2011 or 2012?How many registered vehicles in the USA in 2011 or 2012
7,000,000,000, 20,000,000,000 deaths
The last full year on record in the United States there were 4,612 motorcycle related deaths.
Too many.
All of them.
No one knows the answer
Too many.
There were no tornado-related deaths in Texas in 2011.