In sharecropping agreements, women were often expected to contribute to the labor on the farm alongside men. They were responsible for tasks such as planting, weeding, and harvesting crops, as well as domestic duties in the household. Additionally, women typically had little control over the crops they grew or the profits generated from their labor.
No, slaves did not travel at their own free will. They were forcibly taken from their homes and transported to various locations for labor, typically against their wishes.
The employable population in the United States consists of individuals who are of working age (typically 16 to 64 years old) and are willing and able to work. As of 2021, the labor force participation rate in the U.S. is around 61.6%, which means that approximately 163 million Americans are currently in the labor force and are employable.
Approximately 2% of Americans have domestic help, such as housekeepers or nannies, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This number has remained relatively stable over the past decade.
Some African Americans faced less discrimination in the West due to factors like a shortage of labor, availability of land, and a more diverse population. The absence of established social hierarchies and the need for labor in the expanding Western frontier led to more opportunities and less rigid racial attitudes compared to the East.
31.5 million
250,000,000, 31.5 million, OR 1.5 million.
The Spanish used encomienda by demanding labor from native americans living on the land. The colonists enslaved the Native Americans.
r.w is hot
I would think a day or two before Labor Day ... Is there no end to my IQ
Nope, Labor day is a National Holiday
Yes, it is always the first Monday of September.
Labor Day is on Monday, September 5, 2011. That means that Labor Day weekend will be include Saturday, September 3, 2011, Sunday, September 4, 2011, and Monday, September 5, 2011. Enjoy that weekend, and head out early on Friday night!
Yes, Labor Day is the name of a specific day, which makes it a proper noun, so it is capitalized.
It is always on Labor Day weekend
It's Labor Day Weekend.